Friday, March 02, 2007

Daily Briefing - 3/2/07: Global Warming, UN, 2008 Election, and of course CPAC

It's beautiful here in DC today. Spring Training is in full swing. Rick Santorum will join Fox News, and global warming is as dangerous as war. Have a nice day!


Daily Briefing – 3/2/07
612 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News
Global Warming
- UN SecGen Ban Ki-Moon: Climate change poses as much of a danger to the world as war
o UN hopes to take the lead
o Also from New Zealand Herald, NYT
- World’s scientists launch global warming study
- Global warming affects hunting
- Corzine faces some opposition on the Hill
- Google, PG&E, Bay Area firms pledge to fight climate change
- CA lawmakers come to DC to promote their law
o Cities and states working to slow climate change
o It’s a local concern
- Gore takes the show to Oklahoma
- A mood of gloom at today’s Conservative Political Action Conference
o Little love is expressed
- Most support a U.S. guarantee of health care
- Democrats unveil bill to curb CEO pay
- Don’t like the Iraq bill? Add some Ag pork!
Potential ‘08ers…
- McCain (Santorum says no thank you), McCain again (will accept public funding in a general election), Hillary v. Barack (stage set for Selma, AL), McCain again again (“wasted” words), Romney (criticizing rivals), Hillary v. Barack II (SC Black Caucus speaker?), McCain one last time (will his impressive life lead to the WH?), Giuliani (smeared by Romney), Giuliani again (the not-so-wildcard), Edwards (hits $1 million), Obama (a new twist to an intriguing family history), Romney again (“The media loves me!!!”)
- California is enjoying its electoral muscle, as lawmakers prepare to move its primary date to 2/5
Other News from the Media
- Big firms broke rules after Katrina cleanup
- T. Boone Pickens: Oil production has reached its peak
- If there’s one person not to get angry… it’s Erin Brockovich
- Your commute may be killing you
…and the Blogosphere
- Robert Bluey is liveblogging CPAC
- Hotline: 2008 Race Rankings: The Democrats
- The Fix: 10 House races to watch in’08
- TomPaine: Green, efficient excess
- Campaign for America’s Wilderness: If the roadless rule doesn’t stand, we’ll soon be out of wilderness
- Oil Drum: Is nuclear power a viable option?
- MYDD: Establishment frightened of African-American swing to Obama
- Grist:
o Pandora’s box in Antarctica
o Stars and Stinkers
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- A picture isn’t just worth a thousand words… sometimes its 106,000 aluminum cans or 30,000 reams of paper…
- Bioenergy wiki
- Sustainability is bringing sexy back
- Neutral my @$%
- D.C. Madame to sell 10,000 phone records of high end Washington clients
Quotes O’ the Day
“It didn’t take long for [Gore] to get knocked off his high horse, which I might add emits a dangerous quantity of methane. Low horse, much more efficient.” Stephen Colbert, on the Gore energy kerfuffle

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Thursday, March 01, 2007

Daily Briefing - 3/1/07

In like lion...


Daily Briefing – 3/1/07
613 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News
Global Warming
- Scientists turn attention to world’s poles
- Canadian Inuit leader and activist given a hearing
- U.S. C.A.P. looking forward to a cap-and-trade policy
- Ants may help us adjust… maybe we can take their super-duper strength too
- Governor Corzine to testify today
- 60% of Tennesseans believe global warming has a serious effect
- Union of Concerned Scientists sticks it to automakers by building an affordable car minivan that meets or surpasses all global warming standards
- Gore: Media missing the message, promoting balance over consensus
- Former Canadian Defense Minister: UFO science is the key
- Rescinding the Bush Doctrine (I’m mainly posting this because the guy who wrote this was one of my favorite professors)
- White House threatens to veto 9/11 bill
- Republican Main Street Partnership and Club for Growth may join together
Potential ‘08ers…
- McCain (he’s in… by announcing on Letterman), Giuliani (on those judges), Edwards (more of a fundraising prowess than he lets on?), Romney (seeking to regain momentum on the right), Giuliani again (Time poll shows his lead widening), Gingrich (a favorite of Citizens United), McCain again (Californians are jumping on board), Obama again (to speak to AIPAC), Newt vs. Hillary (I guess he was jealous Barack got the first dig in), Clinton (raised #1 million in a week), Edwards again (“pro-gay”), McCain again again (rejects CPAC invite), Gore (act very much together)
- Novak: GOP has a void on the right
Other News from the Media
- Historian Arthur Schlesinger dies
- Another day, another morning with a volatile stock market
- 6 companies receive grants to support bio-refineries
- South Africa considers culling elephants
- Interior Department looks to recoup lost oil and gas royalties
…and the Blogosphere
- Capitol Briefing’s Meet the Bosses: Rep. John Spratt
- The Hotline gives a preview of the Spartanburg straw poll
- Grist:
o On the SEGCCSD report
o The challenges faced on going organic and fair trade
o On Senator Clinton’s energy bill
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Leo to play Teddy Roosevelt in next Scorcese film?
- The Governator to return in a Terminator 4?
- Stephen Hawking to ride on the “vomit comet
Quotes O’ the Day
"I would assess this administration's record on global warming as terrible."
--Sen. John McCain R-AZ

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Daily Briefing - 2/28/07

A day or so ago, a group called the Tennesee Center for Policy Research ran a piece calling Al Gore a hypocrite for using a large amount of energy while preaching conservation and use of clean energy. As it turns out numerous sources, including the AP double checked their work and found that their story including solid inaccuracies in their numbers and a rather blatant political tint. This group ran this story without mention of Mr. Gore's investment in clean energy (this is why his bills are so high, Mr. Drudge), carbon offsets (to pay for his inordinate amount of travel along with home energy use), and the simple notion that his job of educating people throughout the world serves in itself as an offset.

It is also pertinent to note that this "think tank" has been discredited by the Tennessee Department of Taxation as an "illegitimate organization," is funded in part by a foundation that also funds the Competitive Enterprise Institute (among the most blatant of global warming deniers), and employs as its president a man who has worked for the American Enterprise INstitute (who recently offered $10,000 to "debunk" the IPCC climate report) and written for the National Review and Human Events (which currently employs Ann Coulter).

Just a guess, but I think this piece was politically charged.


Daily Briefing – 2/28/07
614 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News
Global Warming
- Climate panel recommends global temperature ceiling and carbon tax
o Conservation may limit global warming
o The debate is over, it’s time to act
- EU can offer US ideas
- Scientists urge global action on clean energy
- New evidence that warming fuels stronger Atlantic hurricanes
- Senator Clinton offers a Senate version of H.R. 6
- Governor Corzine to testify before the Senate EPM committee tomorrow
- Oregon Secretary of State to discuss global warming
- Skeptics to congregate in Australia
- Mark Warner considers a run for the Senate
- Bob Ney, original proponent of the term “freedom fries,” goes to jail tomorrow
- Senator Kerry gets his chance to hammer a “swift boat” donor
- Members of Congress as a boss: Demanding or downright mean?
Potential ‘08ers…
- Obama (black vote shifting to him), Romney (this camp is a bit leaky), Gore (Maureen Dowd smells a sequel), Gore again (David Remnick on what could have been and what can still be), Gilmore (would be the first President blogger), Clinton (pushing car safety), Clinton again (on her energy bill), Edwards (on Hillary’s turf), Giuliani (raising money in Vegas… sadly, not the old fashioned way), Giuliani (gosh darnit, he IS a conservative!), McCain (trying immigration again), Romney (a France complex?), Fred Thompson (Hotline looks into the Draft Fred movement), Huckabee (some pushing for him to run for Senate)
Other News from the Media
- Yikes. That stock market “blip” yesterday resulted in a worldwide loss of roughly $3 trillion in equity. Here’s hoping for a solid rebound
- Economy grows slower than expected
- On that ridiculous report about Al Gore and his apparently luxurious use of energy… well, it’s pretty much debunked
- RFK Jr.: Bush Administration environmental policies are a science fiction nightmare
- Stewart Brand: Embracing New Heresies
o David Roberts has a rebuttal
…and the Blogosphere
- Checking out some polls over at MYDD
- RedState: Thinking the GOP nominee may not be running at the moment
- TomPaine: Energy blast on Capitol Hill
- DailyKos: Live-blogging the Senate hearing on America’s Energy Future
- Grist:
o On conservative conservationists
o Sustainability and IKEA
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Woohoo! Tiger Woods is coming to DC
- Adam Sandler better update the Hanukkah song, because he may have an addition
- Army wants Jack Bauer to condemn torture… they asked Homer Simpson to condemn beer drinking, but he declined.
- Oh my, somebody go check on G. Gordon Liddy
- A male biological clock? Interesting…
Quotes O’ the Day
"You can't talk honestly about the environment today ... without being critical of the president," ~ Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Daily Briefing - 2/24/07

Philadelphia Phillies' rising star second baseman Chase Utley has come out in the fight against global warming. We may need him and his recently signed large contract, as a panel reported to the UN that it will likely cost tens of billions of dollars to succeed.

Brief away!


Daily Briefing – 2/27/07
615 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News
Global Warming
- UN: Tens of billions needed
o Nations must invest in clean energy
- Western states agree to cut greenhouse gases
o Targeting global warming
o Oregon utilities back national plan
- Dingell: Congress tackling global warming dilemma
- Global warming’s increased financial relevance
o Banning new coal plants will slow warming (also from MSNBC)
- National Review on conservative conservation
- India projected as worst victim of climate change
- Rwanda: Global warming threat to man
- Philadelphia Phillies second baseman speaks out
- Al Gore: An Oscar for His Second Act
- Pelosi falls short on election promises
o And a rebuttal
- Schwarzenegger: Schmoozing will save America
- Governor Patrick (D-MA) at the Apollo Alliance
- Politico: In Michigan Democrats environmental agenda hits the skids
Potential ‘08ers…
- Clinton v. Obama (dueling speeches), Dodd (interview with MYDD), Hagel (would consider a “hybrid” ticket), Giuliani (wisdom for free), Romney (just call him “Pip”), Sanford (the GOP alternative?), Brownback (lavishing attention on SC), Clinton (a bundle of good moves), Edwards (treaty with Iran possible), Giuliani again (checking those foreign policy cred), McCain (firm on Iraq), McCain again (a happy warrior), Obama (finding friends in Ohio), Romney (the CEO candidate), Obama again (oh that pesky smoking habit), Hunter (may have violated some laws), Brownback again (working hard to get attention), Biden (looking to repeal… not something stupid he said, the 2002 authorization), Gore (in how many languages shall he say no?)
- Age important to voters, race… not so much
- Their favorite movies. Giuliani’s is Godfather… surprise, surprise
Other News from the Media
- Wildlife refuges lack means to survive
- Vanishing bees?
- Some people are looking towards the previously –thought-to-be useless jatropha bush for energy
…and the Blogosphere
- OpenCongress: CBO releases its budget report
- National Review: Barack Obama is George W. Bush ala his 2000 campaign
- The Caucus: Fundraising at full bore
- Economist: What about Al?
- Grist:
o A dispatch from the Step It Up campaign
o Will Arnold challenge Boxer?
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Senate may regulate tobacco
- And how many of these jokes will we have to endure?
- Something we are all interested in… Al Gore’s iTunes playlist! (Editor’s note: Solid choices, Al… seriously solid.)
Quotes O’ the Day
"It's good to have a second career." ~ White House Press Secretary Tony Snow on Al Gore
"Any lowering of emissions they achieved with the limos was canceled out by the amount of smoke they blew up Al Gore's ass" ~ Stephen Colbert, on Oscar celebs using hybrid limos

Monday, February 26, 2007

Daily Briefing - 2/26/07

Congratulations to Davis Guggenheim and Al Gore for winning an Oscar last night for An Inconvenient Truth. Further congratulations go out to the Oscar organizers for greening the Oscars, including replacing those ridiculously exorbitant gift bags with large carbon offsets. Hip hip hooray!


Daily Briefing – 2/26/07
616 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News
Global Warming
- TXU bought out, plans for coal-fired power plants quashed…all for $45 billion
o Looks like folks in the green community, especially Environmental Defense, were integral in the inner-workings of this deal
o Top scientist calls for moratorium on new coal power plants
- An Inconvenient Truth wins!
o Gore: This will help raise awareness
o CQ: Prioritizing Global Warming
- Major two-year study begins at the two poles, costing roughly $1.7 billion
- Wisconsin State-Journal: Respond to Global Warming
- Governors team up
- Over 5,200 square miles of the Antarctic Peninsula have disintegrated since 1974
- Maryland debates global warming solutions
- New York Post: It’s not that simple
- Scientific debate waning, fight brews over how to address it
- Investor’s Business Daily: The Democrats’ do-over
- Dems invade K Street
Potential ‘08ers…
- Gore (Oscar fuels call for late run… I’m sorry, how exactly is it late?), Obama (the anti-war candidate?), Edwards (oh he’s gonna discuss Iraq), Giuliani (“respect conservativism”), Clinton (name changes define career stages), Clinton again (Nurse for a day?), McCain (ahead in Sc polls, but numbers be dwindling), McCain again (gets Sen. Warner’s endorsement), Edwards again (riding on in Iowa), Obama again (3,000 in Louisville), Obama again again (he’s a got fan in Condi), Romney (a misstatement), Paul (anti-war, limited government… and virtually unknown)
Other News from the Media
- The Oscars go green
o With some help from our friends at NRDC
o Carbon offsets replace Oscar gift bags
o Global green pre-party and a green limo line
- Maybe GM finally got the memo
- Semantics delaying the eagle delisting
- Beer taking the fall for the push for biofuels… and solar has officially become my preferred alternative fuel
- Thanks to The Sunlight Foundation we now have a great resource called Open Congress, to help keep track of our elected officials. (There’s also a blog)
…and the Blogosphere
- Open Congress: Returning from recess with contentious bills
- Lots of important people coming out to support plug-in hybrids
- Huffington Post: Why would Al run?
- The world’s biggest green website
- TomPaine: Climate change comes to DC
- Grist:
o On China’s controversial new train
o Pedro the recycling otter!!
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Virginia 1st state to express regret over slavery
- Slavery ties Al Sharpton to Strom Thurmond
- Angelina Jolie joins Council on Foreign Relations…just imagine, she’ll now be sitting in meetings with Henry Kissinger and Dick Cheney. What do you think they’ll talk about? Probably just vials of blood and controversial adoptions.
- Oscars: I would have picked Leo and Meryl Streep for Best Actor/Actress, but they still won’t let me join The Academy. At least my man Marty won…
- Finding the eco-friendly route via satellite
Quotes O’ the Day
“Global warming is ‘Satan's attempt to redirect the church's primary focus’ from evangelism to environmentalism.” ~ Jerry Falwell